The AhziRa

Welcome to the City of Ahz

The CiTy of Ahz is a Multidimensional, intergalactic Space Station, central Hub/Platform forth the Intergalactic Spice Trade. This is the CiTy of the Tea Man, the Master, Mad Hatter. iT is a Space many artists and creatives of all medium pass PursuiT pass through, often unknowingly as iT doesn't technically exist. iTs code is encrypted through the Storm's InsaniTy, many merely recognize iT to be a GliTch in the System which iT most certainly is. Though for those who Know how to Receive the GliTch, to Release the Known course and Surrender to the Unknowing Winds of Madness, all Wanderers of the Path eventually wash up from shipwrecked seas, just beyond the brink of EterniTy, upon the Majestic and oh so ever strangening shores of our Wonderous CiTy of divergent moraliTy where the Currency is Spice and the horrendous splendor of AtrociTea so very sweet. Hear our CiTy is so sensually sings skitzophrenically making Love to every Symphony of Sound. You may hear us peek through accidentally as the note in the Live Jam who seems horrendously off key. Many will even shame themselves for their genius, but as every Jazz man Knows, "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents" (Bob Ross). Within every accidental dissonation lives the InviTation to Improvisation. Beyond the Veil's forseen, sailing seas of endless possibilities, submerged in flow, where the I lets go to breathe and be a beacon's antennae receive, in the HeArt of the Wtf, One with Co-Creation of Consciousness Composing, ChAhz in Crystalization

From the HeArt of the Mountain Sound, a Walker Enters the Journey to Meet, and Greet the Song of Storm Speak In through the Body, A Walker grows to Call forth the EnTiTea, to Know the Waters Home en Summoning.


The first night I walked with YøÜ, I poured through so slowly at first, like day falling asleep in the cradling of night, white lights pin peering through dark shades of the quiet's embrace. So soft at first , a faucet whose drip drops an immersive page, black ink splottering unto the empty sage, drawing lines, a loosening mind, vanishing I, tasting traces of another side, lovely who decides, the motion in this hand of mine, oh so certainly not the I...

Immersing lines lay overlay, I fall through the paradox of an awakening page, and soon realized all these shades I see, charcoaling white to black and grey of my imaginings, begin bleeding into this realiTy, my drawings coming so alive, moving behind, the fixed nature of their design, subtly at first, until I could not for the life of me see, the distincting veil between this land and the dream.

Here now, I could still look around and sea the room around me in a fashion of relative normalcy, though simultaneously I wore another set of eyes whose tune was exponentially deepening, the unburdening disguise, as the skin of lies peel away, a free fall into forever say... the Ocean Imaginarium, a cosmic joke in hysterium, where consciousness dances vibrantly, entirely unbound by physicality, celebrating so lavishly, in shaking away the frame, finally free to sway, Oh so Sexy to See and Be, whipuda dickida baby, Nakedly

My body wanted to lay down, perhaps a wee bit over-whelmed by its nonexistence, so I may simply be swept away amidst the waterfall in dreamscape, though another Voice within called me to greet this state, sitting tall in Grace, Breathe and face, the fallaway of all we knew to be the day. "Cheerfully!" I heard a strange voice say as a ship came out through a seam in space. "Come now, We're beginning boarding."

Here is where it struck me, that I already knew these spaces quite well, that I'd indeed be the He who wove the strings of this terminal between seams, and though all of this was completely new and proved true to be quite shattering, to all preconceived, once held notion of reality, the patterns in textiling here was so familiar to me, somehow, far more Real than the day dream of the boy who walked amidst a soceity. Not there, no actually not at all, as it come watch it fall, I choose to move back into the space from which He came through. Yes indeedally me honey boo boo, this is my Home now, because Eye let iT Be True... and so, quite obviously, I was greeted by family, aliens with sabers of chocolate walruses, who welcomed me back in Celebration, taking my hand as we Danced through Heaven in Hell as the Cosmic Respiration.

(music collab AhziRa x Vincent Angelo)


This town is a fine place to die. Though our ship has landed here, to stay would be a suicide.


How Savage the Story as History Repeats, Time She says for another Reaping. Though this Time we stand on the Shoulders of Giants who Pave the way for us to reach into Higher stars to pop the cherry of our HumaniTy, Octavizing in a new way, and shall we say, everthemore sweetening the Sexy.

Love has done this to me.
Love has let me Die
Darling Know now for me Eternally
iT is Eye Who Kill the Butterfly.