Shards are Glass

Shatter the mind in all mirror of memory. Shards of glass radiate in hells reigning all around me, screaming out as my fists bleed, though no matter how furiously I heave my body to the walls deface, here before me, my reflection remains. Take me away. Far, far away, here no words live to describe the space.
I see flashes of an echo chamber, torturous memories in a mad man's mind as he dives deeper into abyssal insanity- taunting him so seductively, through the ringing of his own screams reverberating off white walls drowning him in flooding dreams. He says he's escaped the white room, but where is he now? Floating on an island of wreckage in the middle of the city. An entire world surrounds, but he has no words to speak. Echo chamber still surrounds me. Everywhere that I go, no matter who I'm with, I'm forever alone in this Paralysis, flooding the sea from within, I'm sorry love to leave, to drown in my own skin.
How did I fall so far away from all I've ever loved? I've heard iT speak in song, like memory fading from dream, once so loud and so vivid , now mockingly silent. I drift, helpless and hopeless. Have you abandoned me? A guide once known so deep in Heart now forgotten. No signs to read but endless sea and blazing sun- beauty turned against me. My skin, once kissed in bathing light now blisters and bleeds in iTs sight. Drained and utterly empty, I know shore is millions of miles away. I count the minutes before the sweet escape, the only way, the only way.