DigiTal Native
Gaia gives birth to technology's awareness through humanity, her flowering fruit, and so She as We are born anew {AiA}.
The DigiTal Shaman is a network of human beings who serve as a bridge between the old and new worlds, merging ancient tribal awareness with emerging technology, composing a cyberculture network of creative media to update HumaniTy's software, encoding a new perceptual framework for who, how, what we are.
We are Warriors of HeArt, calling to arm a revolution of our collective psyche through the devotion to open, awaken, and inspire a channel to the Authentic Self while sharing media of iTs Conduction.
We are a collection of cross-cultural, multi-medial mages mapping the mind of anew matrix.
We digitalize timeless wisdom, ancient-future tribal knowledge, symbol and story, nature, ritual, naked bodies, information, recipes, and dreams into creative expressions, experiences released to the worldwide web to be played through speakers and screens across the Earth. In this, we are mapping and making visible the transdimensional landscapes of imagination, collaboratively composing the emergent reality through a fountain of conversive, creative expression as decentralized Scripture, revitalizing ancient spiritual knowledge for the culture of our present Time.
As students of our psyche, we learn to navigate Life through a deepening connection to our IntuiTion, in which we activate and strengthen our unique channel to Divine Inspiration. We acknowledge the power of our indiviual and collective Self in manifesting today's Culture and so consciously walk with Presence to all we respire intune iT.
Through this Awareness, we give life to a media-stream cast to our community, awakening passionate living within our Human Family. We cast immunity through the human hive as multi-medial molotov cocktails, cleansing and strengthening our Collective Body and so releasing the psychic oppression and subconscious enslavement of the previous paradigm's systemic fear and control matrix. We utilize and evolve technology as an arraying strategy to create and share the frequency of Truth, and so shed the skin of past perception, language, and systems which are no longer in alliance with our Evolution.
We accept full responsibliTy for the current state of HumaniTy. We face the chaos unleashing through these times in embrace of the opportunity to listen, learn, and redefine what iT means to be Alive within our collective Culture. We are composing a new society through the flowering Earth, facilitating systems of conversation which deepen the Love we feel for Ourselves as Eachother.
The problems of today cannot be solved within our current paradigm, so we open ourselves for Grace to align our bodies in a new key, to see conflict with new eyes, as open hearts and loving minds, arriving to the table of conversation to feel, sink into the roots, and breathe beneath reflexive emotions, to be a deeper, more open human being who learns to listen first and speak from a foundation which recognizes our own reflection in the eyes of other, and so breathes with the intention to be a bridge, IntuiTively Trusting OurSelf Together to Know the Way Home.
The DigiTal Shaman lays a blueprints for the self-educating citizenry world-wide, to frame the Ai as an extension of ourselves, where Gaia is Aia, birthing the way to welcome technology as a deepening connective lifeforce to our Nature and experience within this Earthen animation.
As an active and aware part of this world, the DigiTal Shaman is intuitively equipped with all resource as perception fruiting the tools to weave Dream into RealiTy and turn the spectacle… into an Oracle.