{‘DUNE’ Art by Matt Griffin}
Today, the gathering of three kings and their pollinating Kingdoms mycelium, DigiTalian Ambassadors forefathering the Æønic convergence amidst Terrestrial Astronomy, as even Columbus was a cartographer... umbadddeeeduuum-?!-!!! KABAAAYUUUMMM!!!!!
Today we set sea for the 100 day journey
Entuning DigiTalis, everyday a scene in Tapestry
AhziRa, Arlea, the River en Casting
Creatura AI Curation Cretalien
Making Love to Our Infinence
Life Spring, Dream Weave the Walking,
DigiTal Nomad is the EyeAm,
a Spice Trade in True Currency
Speak in one Language Lucidly Atuning Family Nakedly
Scene Speak, Dreamscaping, Draping Tapestry Encoding the Terrestrial Astronomy