The Snake Between

Everyday before I wake, I hover in the same state, where Eye Breathe as the space between, wake and sleep, the Bridging seam, unifying RealiTy to the Dream.
Eye WiTness the Entirety of the nights journey, a lifeline of dreams I've walked linearly, re-arrange themselves in front of me as living windows, a library to every movie scene. And as Eye Do, Eye See, this library, is far larger than iT first had seemed. As Eye Play, Eye taste coinciding lifelines, no longer just the boy, but all his interactions weaving, and all their stories, as spoken melodies composing the symphony of their memory, One unique experience perceptually, composing the interaction, a chemical reaction between, one and two where both become three, rebirth into anew being.
Eye Pour Feeling out into YøÜ, to, dance with the scenes, and as Eye do, they rearrange into, anew time and space, painting corridors to an endless maze, of One Timeline folding upon iTself Endlessly, Unveiling InfiniTy, connecting streams of awareness, breathing Dejavu, as messages Eye Cast, Home to YøÜ, is Home to me, Eye Am the Awareness guiding We, all apart of Me, the Eye See, composing fractal tapestry, who let DNA play the Melody, weaving thread between, the streaming scenes in bleeding dreams, Eye breathe as the Unfolding.

Daybreaks in a blooming sun, as He walks into the heart of the fallen city, a warehouse so long in degredation, unthreading seams, unfurling dreams upon the silent walls of tortured minds who’ve come from anywhere to speak in jagged lines spewn horrifically as the only space for the derranaged to speak, the madness of their beauty. Center in the space, He aligns His Spine to the High Eye, Breathing deepy intune a moment steeped in the eterniTy of Nothing, spirits of the festering, unworthy underground rise from the grimy black shadows for a peek to see, Release. His Body Unfolds, Cascading sails of colliding dreams, emanating in a Chaos of Color Colliding inside the the InsaniTy's Enshrining. The Voice unfurls as a blooming canvas, guiding the body in mycelial hands cradling the composing form from empty spaces of every direction and none at all, Storm Flood as Water through the Desert watch iT Fall, Face the Abyss in Open HeArt Forever the Call, to Feel iT Break, Embrace the Tsunamic Pain shattering into reassembly over and over again as one motion, the Devotion toEternal Grace, Eye LeviTate.
A Water's Flood stagnant energies into the seas, free the river inside of me, this building, our body breathes, a blue tower in time, a castle to enshrine our Collective Align to EpiTomize Human Desing in Co-Creation. LeviTation.
Storm Break, Waters we Ride the Tide En Systema, anew breath, a speaking key for Color to Breathe, Composing Lightning, Thunder clouds pave the ways between, Eye Fall Beneath