Water Through the Desert
A Bird of Prey flies through the desert skies. iTs wings are blades carving canyons in the rivers of time. iTs path paints a shadow across the scorched land- a darkness ever deeper than the blackest night, a silence ever softer than the absent light. A seam opens in the space between, this reality and the birthing dream, a slow unfolding process splitting the world apart, and through the crevase, a presence casts iTself into the waking world sheathed beneath the cover of a bird in flight. In iTs wake, drapes a thunderscape, as loud as the whisperings of a butterflies wings, as resound as the musing of a child's wonder. iTs passing breathes invisible to the naked eye, but for a rippling in the fabric of space and time, a presence echoing through the air of nothing.
A Man, born in the desert's society hears the whispers of a dream, calling his naked flesh into the deep. In the middle of the night, he arises from his slumber and without a single word in hand, sets off into the frozen air of a fallen sun. As he walks, he discards all clothing until there is no clothing to discard, and so he departs with his skin, and all resemblings to a previous time. His departure is forever. From Hear there is no going back, no goodbye to those once loved. All which was, is forgotten to the road known to Now. All which is, are Stars emblazening the sky in the of silence of the moon who speaks the path, for barren feet to follow, treading deep upon frozen sands, flowing as molten lava through the song, a sea of forever.