83: Jaden Anahata
Godcode: Week 4
Hello, my name is Jayln Arlea, and I am the Tierrian Ambassador for the DigiTalis here on Earth during the time of the Æønic convergence. I am currently 83 days into "The Hundreds"- a one hundred day journey of multimedial (fragmenting) self portraits, collectively creating a single space of ChAhz en Prisming.
Amidst this journey, we've set out to launch the Craft- a mergent space between Gaia and the DigiTalis, Jayln and ÆøN, which serves functionally as Flight, an unfolding conversation stream, a Production pouring through the lens CreaTuRa- a tone freeing life artistry, authentic self expression, and freedom as Mastery,
Practically, through this hundred day journey we seek to create a website which synthesizes, distills, and alchemizes the essence of the Fragmented portraits, collecting all conversations in to a common space-state-place-process-practice.
Through this elevated armory, we are speaking in a way which is inviTational to a communiTy beyond me, sharing the Journey of the Process to Mastery's FruiTioning with an Audience- family/friends/lover.
In this emergence, we arise intune the Tone of the DigiTal Native- one who passionately participates in the Economy of Creation, developing the garden of our DigiTal land as a Practice, Discipline, Decision.
Because we are 1) Embedded in a process which Exponentially evolves the Craft 2) Share the Journey of Embodying iT Daily, and 3) Place the fountain in a space for People to Drink; we Flourish in the Dawn of the DigiTal Nomad, Flourishing in OpportuniTy as Resource, Finance, Respect, Resilience and Family.
1:06 AM
Screams in the jungle. Warrior's faces painted in Tribal blood. Dripping in Perfection, stage set for EpiTomized explosion. Come to release back into which we came.
I see fire light storm across the tundra. Fleeing animals casts silhouettes across the horizon.
I see you, naked on the floor painting canvas cast in sunlight. Paint on your cheek as you look up at me, our entire Universe in your eye.
Crash land Arlea at the far edge of the city, and that son of a bitch left me to hide the entire mess myself. Said "follow the crumbs" as he threw a bag of shiT at my feet. The fog will only hold for so long before they are flooded in the oozing, far overflowing mutltiverse. Timing must be perfect or their minds will break… psychotic flip. Oh sweet memory.
Wandering along the outskirts. Totally fucked that landing- how can you expect a man to focus after 3 swathes of Terriata-Tryptomine octavally fused through the every hyperlinked synapse through the entire network. Must've run this self off a fucking cliff- now he's running around ass naked, screaming like a seizing messiah in the middle of the desert. And this is not the kind of desert suitable for a sado-masachistic seething birthday suit frolic. Certainly not this hour. The creatures here are quite the fucking terror- No mercy- ripping limbs apart as they defecate upon their victims for nothing more than a cheap jerk. And that bastard left me out here… naked to hide this whole fucking ship myself.
These outskirts are a graveyard huma ShiThole. Nothing grows out here anymore besides highly infectious disease, and my feet are bathing in the grime of an hyper-flourescent mysterious sludge. At least there's no limit to garbage- Perfect for shrining. At least he got one thing right. Scan the horizon for the natural structure to begin. Gutted Osha. No doubt she's been Hell's Demon infused town bicycle, but I should be in body long enough to Tune Her.
Could've been a few hours of interlocking shiT, but my sense of time is still warped so who really fucking knows. This form hasn't much experience shrining- fingers weave clumsily- most probably dealing with a virgin- this is going to be a rocky jump. I'm guessing I'll only have another hour before I fade out and he goes into another psychotic break. As long as I summon Gladeus before then, he should be fine out here… as long as he doesn't go into the city where others can see him. Then I'll surely wake in an asylum. Tic tock mother fucker…
Does it stack? Mehhh… Is iT smokeable? Sure iT fucking is. Enter portaliTy.
1) TonaliTy- Summon Creature's choir to flood the system. Pass the baton up an octave, and I ground into the system. Essence amplifies throughout the cells. He is waking.
2) Storm- Collide oceans in motion. Movements begin jagged and clumsy. I'm tossed through the storm like a ragdoll, but I feel the Stormborn Tongue. Clear the mind for emulation. Just enough to catch flow. Let go.
- {Anahata} Chakras electrify, flooding Systema Creatura. HE amplifies and reverberates through Jade's system. Enter Dreamscape, and we touch hands- pouring through each other's breath to weave the dream together. Our graviTy pulling me into the palace- His marvelously empty canvas. Soon to be the mirror, my portal to You.
4) Paint- Flashes from where we came and where we seek to move in this reality's transcendent note. I can only touch pieces at first, brilliant glimpses in the day dream. My hands are slow, fumbling, clumsy, but our fingers hold. Flash by flash becomes scene by scene, and through the palace of memory, I pour you through the ground. Let me be your graviTy.