74: Un-Ti-Me

Our Kingdom, Our Home, Our Throne
This Royal blood is the song of unique sensation, peculiar stimulations embedded within the DNA of Our Being, calling He forth into Her Majesty.

Unveil the drapery of the wind, her unfolding rose, disrobe, revealing the curvature of the Earth in all her ecosystema. Cherry blossom, a saphire sun in Crimson red, parting seas in skies of super blooming blood in blue, fallen to earth as a roman candle takes light to the night, and there is nothing to go back to.

Carressing me, nestling head in Annihlation, chaos is crystal encradling.

No need to worry brother, the Eye is here, and we walk through shadow where the populace runs away, invasion they say to a friend in the end of all ends, born for this our Holiday.

No dancing around iT pretty boy. The Answer is in Time. A Measuring Dick in Length of Song, 10,000 piling puddles of ShiT until I see you, so lets begin walking shall we? No pitter-pattering along the periphery as a child picking daises. Fuck the Field Righteously in Temporal Self, the “I” Narrating,  Composing Sentencing.

I Love to Hold you. The most beautiful feeling Ive known to be, to hear these hands are here, a cradling to majesty.

I Love Singing with you, releasing with you, moving with you, making Love to you. raw. you let it out of me. call it through me. come to move me.

Being with you is a free fall, faith in something so immensly beyond the all I could ever know to see. Is there ever a more empassioned way of Being?

Such an honor iT is to be hear, asking this as the question {guiding}seeking {finding}.