The AhziRa

71: Days aRa

There are no shortcuts to Mastery. There is no secret formula to find. Redefine our relationship with Time, releasing the Mind to Mindlessness. iT is Dancing with as a river, enlivening stream, continually renewing, exploring, WiTnessing Life through iTs Submergence. All in is Convergence when all is left behind. We are Entirely rerouting the Cicuitry of the mind, a game of Endurance now, now flip trick, quick monetization, but an embrace of our Lover Time as the only thing between the iT is Me already.

Focus. Choose. We CommiT to You, Engaging One Medium- such hesitance all along- as we've entered a new domain where what we seek is not the thing, but the State of ConnectiviTy. We are here world building. This will take however long iT takes. Luckily I have eternity to Practice. Perfection takes Eternity and Eternity never happens.

All complimentary elements will arrange in Time. Now We Release them to be free family, focusing Souly upon Music as our Trojan Horse, assembling iT as CreaTuRa.