The AhziRa

3: The World

Story's Writings

This world is stunning. It's beauty beyond belief. As far as I can tell, there are no animals here of any kind, but the plant life is bountiful. 

The rock formations reach to the skies in with a ferocity which churns me inside. Tall pillars of stone protruding from the world like godly daggers launching their legions of war towards the heavens.

The clouds here weave vast masses across the sky, forming intricate patterns like they're coiling around an invisible structure. They're complexity is tuned to a degree unlike anything I've ever seen on another planet.

The forest here is filled with trees whose shapes are a maze which untie logic. Trees with trunks spiraled like corkscrews and branches that loop back into themselves creating an almost fractal pattern. Leaves shimmer softly with iridescent hues, changing colors as I pass by. At first I think they're sensitive to sound. They respond to my voice. I yell, and they respond more. Then I speak softly, they respond more. Then I stare in silence of perplexity as they rustle together, responding more. It kind of wigs me out so I move on.

Today I saw shadows that didn't belong to anything. They moved independently, casting dark shapes on the ground with no source I could see between them and the sun. They danced and intertwined, creating a strange, eerie ballet that seemed to tell a story. It was as if the darkness here had a life of its own, separate from the light.

I don't know how else to say it, but the land here... it feels animate. It disturbs me and alklures me. Its soil moves. Even the rocks, solid forms I cannot scrape or break with my body inherit motion. It's slow, like the pace a plant might grow, not noticeable to the eye, but after longer periods of time, it's clear the structures which were here have changed. The Horizon is not the same as it was yesterday.

There is a lake here whose reflection casts an entirely different scene than the land surrounding it. The scene changes softly, slowly with the wind rippling across the water. Some of the spaces I've seen before- rock formations and meadows I've passed by during my days here. In other moments, I could swear I'm looking at the field outside the house of the home I grew up, or the tree I sat beneath with my dog when I wanted to be alone. I walk closer to take a look at my reflection, and I do, but there's something different. My eyes are so much more than mine. I think I see the lips of another's for where mine should be- its the smile of somebody I used to love, but don't remember their face nor their name, just the emotion of everything it means to be together. It's like a dream without any context for who this person is, but the clearest sense that we are together for and through this life. I look into her eyes and I feel home. All the pain of being so alone, so far from everything I've ever known is gone, because I'm with you again, and then I reach out to touch your lips, to grace my fingertips across your cheeks--- The image shifts... Its just the water and a bad reflection.

Night falls and cradles the world in darkness. On top a cliff above my ship, I sit and watch the sky, mesmerized. The stars put on a display of such brilliant beauty here, all for an audience of one. They don't just twinkle here, they dance, and meteors flash between them like angels darting through the sky carrying messages for lovers of far distant places.
I always used to think the constellations were bullshit, but here it really feels like there's a greater presence just on the other side of night's curtain. The stars seem they're just the tip of the iceberg of what's really there and and they're light shines with a raw material pouring through which feels to be the substance all stories are made of.
Never before had I seen a star explode. Here I've see many, and when they cast out their nebulas, they color the sky in vibrant iridesence.

I often find myself feeling guilty, selfish when I'm touched by the beauty of this world, experiencing it all alone with no one to share with, like its wrong to keep it all to myself. I long for companionship. I long for another to share with.
